Ya Basta Center Training

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About Our Trainings

See overview of training, curriculum outline, calendar, and training request form

The Janitor Survivor Empowerment Act. AB 547 requires janitorial employers to provide in-person sexual harassment training training by a state certified janitor instructor every two years.

It is important to submit your information to begin the registration process in the Ya Basta form below.

The regulations establishing the training requirements are pursuant to California Labor Code section 1429.5 and have been adopted by the Labor Commissioner’s Office, effective July 15, 2020.

Anabela Training

1. Description of Trainings

The Ya Basta! center instructors provide the following training on-site at your convenience

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in-person prevention trainings offered for:

Per Assembly Bill 2364, effective until January 1, 2026, our standard training rates are:

2. Training Curriculum

Safe and Respectful Workplaces: Preventing Sexual Harassment and Abusive Behavior in the Cleaning Industry

Consists of 5 topics:

  1. Introduction: Describes the program and educational objectives.
  2. Understanding sexual harassment and abusive conduct: how sexual harassment affects workers, the legal definition of abusive conduct, common examples with videos.
  3. Responses to Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct: Will discuss how workers on scenes can respond to harassment.
  4. Workers’ Rights and Employers’ Responsibility: Fact Sheet and Key Parts of Employer’s Sexual Harassment Policy.
  5. Conclusion: Provide additional resources, message from survivors, and evaluation of the workshop.

Training goals:

  1. Define sexual harassment by its legal elements
  2. Recognize common examples of bullying and abusive behavior in the workplace
  3. Describe how bullying and abusive behavior affects workers
  4. Identify strategies for employers, supervisors, and co-workers to prevent and address unlawful conduct
  5. Identify resources available to victims of bullying under state and federal law
  6. Describe existing options for workers who experience harassment or abusive conduct at work.

3. Upcoming Training Dates

Review the Ya Basta! training calendar and then submit your request for training in next step

4. Submit your information to begin the registration process

Please fill out the form below and Ya Basta! center staff will follow up with you shortly