Johanna Bernal

Johana Bernal

Ya Basta Instructor

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About Johanna:

Johana Bernal is a single mother of two adult children and a three-year-old. Having been a survivor herself since she was young, Raquel grew up in Mexico, her home country, without knowing how to defend herself or having any references regarding the abuse she had endured. Her life transformed when she was presented with the opportunity to train as an instructor at the Ya Basta Center to educate about workplace harassment and sexual abuse. These are difficult topics to address, and one needs to have knowledge and strength to convey them to our colleagues. However, the reward is knowing that one can make a difference. Johana has volunteered many hours of her own free time to educate the Latino community about sexual harassment and domestic violence, for which she is also certified.

Johana Bernal completed a 40-hour training course to become a certified professional instructor in the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abusive Behavior in the Cleaning Industry.

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