Marley Castro

Marley Castro

Ya Basta Instructor

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About Marley:

Over 12 years ago, Marley separated from her husband and became a single mother of 4 children. When she experienced harassment from a supervisor, she remained silent out of fear and ignorance of losing her job. After completing the training at the Ya Basta Center, she feels like a survivor and empowered woman who has learned to clearly distinguish abuse and sexual harassment in the workplace.

In the near future, she envisions herself training dozens of coworkers, helping all staff members understand their rights and putting an end to the culture of abuse and sexual harassment in the cleaning industry. She has faith that with these trainings, they will eradicate all sexual harassers from their industry and create safe and harassment-free work environments.

Marley Castro completed a 40-hour training course to become a certified professional instructor in the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abusive Behavior in the Cleaning Industry.

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