Blanca Hernandez

Blanca Hernandez

Ya Basta Instructor

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About Blanca:

Blanca is married and has 5 wonderful children; she also finds time for her beautiful grandchildren. She is fortunate to have the support and great help of her husband in dealing with the high cost of living in California.

“My life completely changed after receiving training from the Ya Basta Center. I feel empowered and confident knowing more about sexual harassment and knowing that there are laws that protect those of us who work at night. Being an instructor at Ya Basta and being able to bring that message of hope to all our colleagues truly motivates me. The key is to listen and have empathy with our janitor colleagues.” Blanca recognizes the importance of honoring sexual and gender diversity, including LGBTQ individuals, and challenges homophobia.

Blanca Hernandez completed a 40-hour training course to become a certified professional instructor in the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abusive Behavior in the Cleaning Industry.

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