Emma Rosas

Emma Rosas Bautista

Ya Basta Instructor

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About Emma:

Emma a single mother of three daughters, became involved with the Center early on when she was invited to a 100 Women Walk in 2018. Her deeper engagement occurred when a coworker faced challenges in the workplace. Feeling a sense of helplessness, Emma realized there was more she could do, especially after her coworker left the job. The impact of Centro Ya Basta extends beyond the workplace, influencing Emma’s life at home with her children, family, and within herself. Recognizing that change begins within, Emma strives to be the best version of herself, acknowledging imperfections and making progress step by step. As an instructor, her goal is to share information with peers, emphasizing the existence of resources and laws that protect janitors. Emma, along with Centro Ya Basta and janitors, advocates for a workplace built on respect, acknowledging that the journey won’t be easy, but as instructors, they are ready for the challenge with the rallying cry of “Yes We Can!”

Emma Rosas Bautista completed a 40 hour training course to become a certified professional instructor in the prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abusive behavior in the cleaning industry.

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