Mario Zarate

Mario Zarate

Ya Basta Instructor

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About Mario:

Feeling powerless and unable to do anything when supervisors disrespect workers, often abusing their power and sexually harassing women, led me to get involved with the Center Ya Basta.

Through the training, I have changed for the better. Before, I used to bully my female colleagues without realizing that it was a form of harassment that made them feel bad. For me, it was just joking around, but that’s not the case. Nowadays, I have stopped all of that. The training has given me a deeper understanding of what sexual harassment is and the rights and resources available.

As an instructor, my goal is to go to workplaces and provide training to make them safer, free from toxic bullying. I want people who are experiencing harassment to be able to identify it and take the necessary steps to prevent and stop it. My purpose is to contribute to the creation of safe work environments where harassment and sexual violence have no place.

Mario Zarate completed a 40-hour training course to become a certified professional instructor in the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abusive Behavior in the Cleaning Industry.

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