Rafael Garcia

Rafael Garcia

Ya Basta Instructor

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About Rafael:

Rafel has 39 years of experience in the cleaning industry, is married, and has four children (three daughters and a son). Initially driven by curiosity, he gradually became more involved in the project and found it appealing. While his life hasn’t changed significantly, his perspective on the reality faced by victims of sexual harassment has evolved.

Rafael acknowledges the efforts of various professional and governmental institutions combating issues like gender-based violence and feminicides. Despite these broader initiatives, he emphasizes the importance of individuals contributing from their own positions. In his role, Rafael aims to help colleagues understand their labor rights, implement them at work, empower their peers, and collectively maintain safe and respectful workplaces.

Rafael Garcia completed a 40 hour training course to become a certified professional instructor in the prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abusive behavior in the cleaning industry.

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